Video Marketing

The use of video for building trust, authority, followers, branding, traffic generation and sales of products or services

What purpose does video serve in marketing?


Numbers don’t lie. Video marketing has proved itself to be the most efficient and practical digital tool for use in branding, generating interest, building more trust with users, driving more traffic to a site, capturing more qualified leads, building a follower community, as well as gain higher rankings in search results.

According to their latest 2021 annual “Video Advertising Spend Report”, IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) the authoritative organization that develops industry standards, confirm that digital video ad spend increased 49% in 2021 and expected to reach nearly $50 Billion in 2022.

This in turn, confirms video’s undeniably high and positive impact both for B2B (Business to Business) or B2C (Business to Consumer) advertising and marketing. Here are the key highlights from the report.


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Digital Video Growth

• Advertisers will spend 49% more on digital video than they did last year.
• Nearly 3 in 4 buyers are planning to increase their digital video ad spend in next 12 months.
• Nearly two-thirds of digital budgets are allocated to video, with Mobile and Desktop video evenly allocated.
• Continued growth: Year after year, Advertisers continue to increase their spending on Original Digital Video.

You may download the IAB 2021 ad spend and 2022 outlook report directly from IAB

How to start with video marketing?

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You’ve heard, seen the proof and know by now how much using video in your marketing is vital. But if you’re just starting with video marketing, you may feel overwhelmed with the possibilities and have a hard time deciding about what type of videos you should focus on more, costs involved, the time to dedicate etc. etc.

Here’s what we would recommend as a short term and longer term video marketing strategy.

Start with marketing yourself or your business with video without actually marketing. As strange or as counter productive that may sound at first, if you’re new to the video scene and not much people know about you let alone trust your products or services, you may build that bridge by being the person or brand to go to for genuine advice.

If you constantly and persistently create helpful videos that truly help and guide your target audience, you would already be on your way to building that needed rapport and trust towards you or your brand.

You may after some time pitch some of what you have to offer along with your helpful content, as long as it remains within an acceptable boundary. Your audience would surely appreciate the time you dedicate to put out valuable video content to help others and would buy into your paid products or services gradually.

Unless you have a higher than normal budget for branding and advertising, if you rush into marketing and selling without offering anything in return, you are most likely to be rejected and dismissed.

The different types of video styles and video marketing strategies

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Most video content fall under the use categories below or a mix of all together, with each having different styles of expression and presentation.

Informational, Instructional and Educational Videos: These can be in the form of periodic Q&As, screen captured or live how to videos, product tours and reviews, tutorial videos, client case studies, highlighting most important features of your products or services in the form of a short explainer video production, etc. These are all the types of videos that bring you closer to your audience by adding value content that they may benefit from and consider you an authority about the subject matter.

Awareness Raising Videos: Marketing videos is not always about selling or generating more income. It may also be used for noble causes. These videos are widely used by different organisations for various causes like raising awareness about mental health or overall health issues, drugs, drinking or gambling addictions, cancer awareness, women’s rights and tons of other causes that need a medium through which their voices are heard. Video has the ultimate power to get that message across, if the script and production is well planned and executed. 

Emotionally Engaging Videos: These can be “meet the team” or employee interviews, “behind the scenes” videos, testimonials, interviews with thought leaders, free webinars, company event video snippets, live streaming on social media type videos and such, that would allow your audience to have a glimpse and an inside look of your organization and it’s human side.

Another way of using this type of videos would be through a spokesperson figure for the company that is charismatic in nature and loved by most.

If that is not an option, you may resort into creating a custom animated mascot figure that would be the star of most of your videos to promote your business through either video explainers or whiteboard animation videos

So, in conclusion, whichever method or style of video you choose to start with, remember that it’s not a one time make and forget process and expect things to happen by magic. It requires consistency, persistence, relevance and long term dedication for the strategy to succeed.

But the good news is, it is tried and tested by thousands of companies and organisations year after year with great ROI (return on investment) and some videos have even gone viral overnight and companies have greatly benefited from the outcome.

So take your first step forward confidently and don’t let the world wait further for your awesome videos. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Ahrefs have made an excellent detailed video about how to grow your business with video marketing.It’s worth watching attentively and learn a lot from the leading experts in SEO.

How can we help with your video marketing?

  • Video Production

    If you don’t yet have videos produced previously, we offer different video styles suitable to your product or service. From motion graphics videos, whiteboard animations and slide based videos to the more sophisticated explainer type videos, we do it all in a professional and timely manner.

    If you already have video content and want to use it on social media platforms, please note that every platform has it’s relative video format and size requirement. We may convert your video to any social platform’s format needed like, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

  • Channel Creation

    If you need graphic design help setting up a video channel on YouTube, we may custom design your channel graphics and link your channel to your site address.

  • Keyword Research and Optimization

    Your video is most likely made to target a specific market. That’s why we will make sure to name, tag, describe and classify each video appropriately, so that it will be faster to rank on search engines and also easier to be found when related keyword searches are made by your target market.

    We shall also take necessary measures to make sure your videos are listed quickly on popular search engines.

Request a Ballpark Quote!

We shall send you a free, no obligation project cost estimate, delivery time frame and recommended steps to follow.

You may also call (514) 348-3648 (Montreal office) or toll free Canada-US (888) 487-8778.


Thanks to All These and Other Amazing Brands and Clients, the Work We Do Feels Much More Meaningful and Rewarding!



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